Dr Ihtesham ur Rehman
BSc, MSc, PhD
Reader in Biomedical Material
Telephone: +44 (0) 114 222 5946
Fax: +44 (0) 114 222 5943
Email: i.u.rehman@sheffield.ac.uk
Address: The Kroto Research Institute
North Campus, University of Sheffield, Broad Lane, Sheffield, S3 7HQ
Ihtesham ur Rehman was appointed as a Reader in Biomedical Materials in the Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering. He has BSc and MSc degrees in Chemistry and a Doctorate in Biomaterials from the Department of Materials, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). After a long career at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) in Biomedical Materials, QMUL, he joined the Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering in January 2011 and is part of the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Group based within the Kroto Research Institute. Ihtesham is a recognised authority on spectroscopy of biomaterials and biological molecules.
Ihtesham is the Founder and Executive Director of Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Biomedical Materials (IRCBM), CIIT, Lahore, Pakistan and visiting professor at the King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia .
His personal highlights include:
- Invited to speak at the higher education and research forum held at Kings College London on the invitation of Qatar National Research Fund (January 2015)
- Keynote lecture: 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Materials: Translation and commercialisation, (December 2014)
- Plenary lecture: Spectroscopy of caner tissues and cell lines, European applied spectroscopy meeting, organised by Thermo Nicolet, University of Naples, Italy (2013)
- Keynote lecture: NanoMED 2012 - International Conference on Nanotechnology in Medicine (2012)
- Keynote lecture: 3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Materials Recent Advances and Challenges, (December 2012)
- Invited to speak at south Asia regional dialogue meeting and conduct a workshop organised by British Council in Islamabad, Pakistan (December 2010)
- Keynote lecture; 3rd International conference on “Assessing Quality in Higher Education" (December 2010)
- A live interview (one hour discussion forum) on Pakistan State TV, "Higher Education in Pakistan" (December 2010)
- Plenary lecture, 2nd International Symposium on Biomedical Materials: Current Research and Future Signposting, Pakistan (July 2010)
Research interest
Ihtesham's research interests are multidisciplinary and the focal point of his research has been on dental and biomaterials, the identification and understanding of the fundamental mechanisms by which chemical responses are mediated by nano- to micro-scale variations in biomaterials, with the main emphasis on the development of synthetic inorganic bone and dental analogue materials and characterisation of natural tissues.
Ihtesham's current research covers the following themes:
Dental materials: glass-ionomers, nano-ceramics and nano-composites for dental restoration
i. Development of a novel functionally graded Guided tissue regenerative (GTR) membrane for periodontal lesions
ii. Development of novel glass inomer cement based on flake glass particles for direct posterior restorations
iii. Nano-ceramics for dental restorations.
Polymers and bioactive composites
Bioactive composite materials: Development of improved ceramic/polymer composites for osteological and dental applications
 Top(a), bottom(b) surface of CH:HA membranes, Top(c), Cross section(d) freeze gelated, Random(e), aligned(f) CH fibers
Analysing cancer with spectroscopy
- FTIR and Raman spectroscopy of cancer tissues and cells with the aim of developing diagnostic techniques for cancer.
- Spectroscopic analysis of tissue engineered normal, dysplastic & cancerous oral mucosa
- Employing spectroscopic analysis to investigate chemical changes associated with drug resistance in subtypes of breast cancer tissue samples.
- Non-invasive Raman Imaging on Cutaneous Tissue
- Cancer diagnosis and imaging by spectroscopy.
- Analysing skin cancer by spectroscopy
Research group
Postdocs |
PhD students |
MSc students |
Research visitor |
Dr Mohammad Yar
Dr Ather Farooq Khan
Dr Faiza Sharif
Dr Asma Tufail
Dr Farasat Iqbal |
Recently completed
Dr Salman Aziz Mian (2015)
Dr Murtaza Ali (2014)
Current PhD students
Marcela García
Peyman Zolgharnein
Abdullah Chandra Talari
Ceyla Yorucu
Saad Bin Qasim
Muhammad Khawaja Hammad Uddin
Yonghze Piao (co-supervisor)
Gifty AJ Tetteh (co-supervisor)
Ahmad R Nayan
Dida Duosiken
Daniela Lazaro Pacheco
Yang Liu
Nisha C Nair
Tanay B Thakkar
Maha Omran
Muhammad Arqam Najmi
Melisa Kostrzewski
Dr Anila Asif |
Research themes/centres
Professional activities and recognition
- Editor for Europe: Applied Spectroscopy Reviews (Impact Factor 3.109)
- Guest Editor: Special Issue "Dental Materials" in Materials (Impact Factor 1.879)
- Member, NanoSpectroscopy COST Action MP1302, European cooperation in science and technology http://cost-nanospectroscopy.eu/conference-2015.html (2014)
- Member, Board of Directors, World Materials Research Institutes Forum (2011 onwards)
- Member, International assessment committee for British Council INSPIRE programme (2011)
- Member, Materials, Mechanical and Medical Engineering Panel EPSRC (July 2009)
- Member, International assessment committee for British Council INSPIRE programme (2009)
- President and founder; Pakistan Society for Dental and Biomaterials (2008 to 2010)
- Member, the assessment committee of the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) international postgraduate scheme (2007)
- Executive Director and Founder, IRC in Biomedical Materials, COMSATS, Pakistan (2008 to present)
- Member of Editorial board of Applied Spectroscopy Reviews (2008 - present)
- Member, Academic Council, COMSATS, Pakistan (2005 to 2011)
- Member of EPSRC Health Care Panel (2004)
- Member of EPSRC Peer Review College since (1999)
- Representative for the European Society of Biomaterials on CEN committee (ISO) (2001 -05)
IU. Rehman, Z. Movasaghi, S. Rehman
Title: Vibrational Spectroscopy for Tissue Analysis, Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. CRC Press; A Taylor and Francis Book. ISBN 978-1-439-3608-8. (October 2012)
Book chapters
- AS Khan, M. Khan, IU Rehman (Book Chapter) Nanoparticles, properties and applications in glass ionomer cements: Nanobiomaterials in Clinical Dentistry (Editors), Karthikeyan Subramani, Waqar Ahmed, James K. Hartsfield, Micro and Nano Technologies Series, Chapter 5; Pages 93 – 106; Applied Scince Publishers, Elsevier, ISBN 978145573127-5(2013)
- Rehman IU and Khan AS (2011), “Dental Regeneration”. In: “Electrospinning for Tissue Regeneration” ISBN 1 84569 741 3 Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK.
- Abdul Samad Khan and Ihtesham Ur Rehman (2011), “Resin-Based Dental Composites: Nanotechnology, Properties and Applications”. Accepted. In: “Advances in Materials Science Research. Volume 13” ISBN 978-1-62100-749-4 Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA
- Course Director: MSc in Dental Materials, Jointly with Faculty of Engineering and School of Dentistry
- Course Director: MSc in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
- MAT1410: 10 credits: Biomaterials (10% - practical classes)
- MAT6302: 15 credits: Polymers Materials Chemistry
- MAT6303: 5 credits: Biomaterials II (Advances in Biomaterials)
- MAT6304: 15 credits: Structural and Physical Properties of Dental and Bio-materials
- MAT6308: 60 credits: Research Project; MSc(s) 1- Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine and 2- Dental Materials
- MAT6309: 5 credits: Materials for Biological Application